
Dr. Fredrickson honored with University Teaching Award

These awards were created in 1998 by the family of the late J. Carlyle Sitterson to recognize excellence in teaching first-year students by a tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the College of Arts & Sciences. Lyle Sitterson was a Kenan Professor of History and Chancellor of the University from 1966-72 and was a passionate advocate for inspired teaching of first-year students. The first award was given in 2000. Two winners will receive a one-time stipend of $5,000 and a framed citation.


Graduate Applicants

We usually add one new graduate student a year. If interested, please drop us a line to let us know and we will look for your application. The PEP lab is committed to diversity and inclusion. We encourage and welcome individuals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups in STEM to apply.

Please visit the Psychology and Neuroscience Graduate Studies website for more information on the application process and admission requirements.