
Unleash Your Cognitive Potential with Noocube: An In-Depth Exploration

Have you ever pondered the possibility of a pill that can genuinely elevate your brainpower? Welcome to the world of nootropic supplements—compounds designed to enhance brain function, improving memory, cognitive development, creativity, alertness, and even addressing age-related diseases. Noocube, a rapidly emerging nootropic, is making waves across global markets, promising to unlock the full potential of your brain. But does it really work? What are the benefits, and are there potential side effects? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of Noocube.

Whether you’re a dedicated student aiming for academic excellence or a hardworking professional seeking to sharpen cognitive abilities, the idea that a pill can significantly boost your brainpower is undeniably remarkable. Noocube is gaining widespread popularity, offering a potential solution to this intriguing concept.

In an age dominated by social media and remote work, the daily overstimulation faced by many has led to challenges such as brain fog, mental fatigue, and concentration issues. Cognitive development, memory loss, and various other brain functions are under constant strain. This is where the demand for nootropic supplements, like Noocube, is soaring.


PEP Lab Theories

The Broaden-and Build Theory of Positive Emotions

Why do humans have positive emotions? This is the central puzzle that Professor Fredrickson worked on early in her career. Previously, theoretical accounts of the evolution of human emotions neglected positive emotions aside from their contribution to mate selection and reproduction. In 1998, Professor Fredrickson articulated their role in survival with her Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions. The theory posits that humans’ present-day experiences of positive emotions were shaped over millennia by the forces of natural selection because pleasant emotional states created momentary and embodied states of expanded awareness that, over time, aggregated to augment an individual’s resources for survival, including social alliances, resilience to adversity, knowledge and reasoning capacity, and physical fitness and health. The Broaden-and-Build Theory helped launch the scientific study of positive emotions and constitutes a foundational theory for positive psychology. It also serves as the base for two more recent offshoot theories, the Positivity Resonance Theory of Co-experienced Positive Affect and the Upward Spiral Theory of Lifestyle Change.

For more information, check out these articles and publications:

The Positivity Resonance Theory of Co-experienced Positive Affect

Professor Fredrickson integrates theory and evidence from affective science, relationship science, and developmental science into a novel and generative framework to advance the scientific study of the emotion of love. The Positivity Resonance Theory of Co-experienced Positive Affect holds that concepts commonly related to “love” (e.g., desire, intimacy, trust, commitments) are best understood as the products of the accumulation of momentary experiences of love, the emotion, defined as positivity resonance. Moments of positivity resonance emerge in circumstances in which real-time sensory connection (e.g., face-to-face interaction) is combined with perceived safety and are inferred from the presence of three key indicators: shared positive affect (an experiential component distributed across individuals), caring nonverbal synchrony (a behavioral component marked by nonverbal movements and gestures associated with care and love that are linked in form and tempo across individuals), and biological synchrony (a physiological component marked by shifts in affect-related biomarkers linked in form and tempo across individuals). When moments of positivity resonance recur between and among individuals this accumulation functions to build and fortify enduring social bonds (love, the relationship) and later become steady resources for individuals through good times and bad (“in sickness and in health”).

For more information, check out these articles and publications:

The Upward Spiral Theory of Lifestyle Change

Professor Fredrickson has also investigated how positive affective processes can be leveraged to support people’s long-term maintenance of desired positive health behaviors. Past evidence has shown that health behaviors experienced as pleasant are more likely to be maintained. The Upward Spiral Theory of Lifestyle Change unpacks this relation with emphasis on automatic, often nonconscious motives and malleable vantage resources that render people more sensitive to subsequent positive experiences. The behavioral neuroscience of addiction reveals that over time, associations between pleasantness (“liking”) and cues predictive of it endow those cues with incentive salience, making them more likely to subsequently capture attention and trigger urges to repeat that experience (“wanting”). To the extent that positive affect is experienced during a new health behavior, the Upward Spiral Theory posits that it creates nonconscious motives for that activity, which grow stronger over time as they are increasingly supported by vantage resources, both biological and psychological, that positive affect serves to build. The figure below depicts the recursive dynamic processes articulated by the theory.

For more information, check out these articles and publications:

Current Research

Social and Neural Integration (SANI) Study

Following 22 years of research on the Broaden and Build Theory, the SANI study is the first examination of the neural mechanisms by which positive emotions broaden awareness and lead to prosocial actions and virtues, such as intellectual humility and generosity. Using cutting-edge network neuroscience theory, we examine how neural integration during positive and negative emotion states predict a range of individual and social well-being outcomes. This project is in collaboration with Drs. Kristen Lindquist and Jessica Cohen, and is currently beginning data collection. Funding for this study comes from a Mind & Life Institute PEACE Grant.

Technology and Positive Behavioral Goals Study

Human relationships with machines are evolving. Computers are increasingly partners rather than tools, agents rather than simple objects. Artificially intelligent agents now serve as assistants, wellness coaches, and even companions. This raises important questions about the kinds of AI agents we ought to build and how to deploy them. We hypothesize that, if built and used in the right ways, AI agents can help improve people to be better versions of themselves. We are currently conducting the “Technology and Positive Behavioral Goals” study, in which we are examining the psychological, social, and behavioral effects of interactions with an AI agent programmed to encourage individuals to adopt positive health behaviors. Funding for this study comes from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. (Click here, if you are a UNC undergraduate and are interested in participating!)

Additional Individual and Lab Projects

Goods in Everyday Love: this line of work examines community benefits of positivity resonance. Specifically, the findings suggest that daily recurring moments of positivity resonance travel in sync with prosocial tendencies such as altruism, humility and spirituality (Zhou et al., in press), which further predicts public health behaviors such as social distancing and mask wearing during COVID 19 (West et al., 2020) as well as people’s intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and willingness to sign up for a vaccine trial (Berman et al., in prep).

Economic Inequality, Social Class and Positivity Resonance: Led by Taylor West, this line of work investigates how social class and perceptions of economic inequality influence social connection with people around the community, and downstream consequences for both individual health and community prosociality.


Participate in our Research Studies

Social and Neural Integration (SANI) Study Now Recruiting Participants

We are looking for experienced meditators between the ages of 18 and 64 to participate in a study investigating self-cultivating warm-hearted emotion states. This study involves 7 days of brief nightly reporting, passive behavioral sampling using a GPS app, and a 3-hour in-lab session that include an fMRI scan to assess neural activity. Participants can earn up to $75.

Take our pre-screening assessment: click here!

Check out our website or email us as [email protected].

Technology and Positive Behavior Goal Study: Now Recruiting Participants

Are you interested in how AI can support wellness behaviors? Come talk to our AI avatar! We are recruiting students to join our study, which investigates how AI avatars can help people incorporate wellness behaviors into their daily life. Participating takes approximately 2 hours over 4 days, including two 30-minute visits to our lab in Davie Hall. Participants must be students between the ages of 18-35. You can earn $25 for participating.

To learn more and sign up, please visit our research study webpage or email us at [email protected].


Decoding PhenGold: An In-Depth Exploration of Its Effectiveness

In the vast sea of Phengold reviews, the allure of PhenGold as an effective weight loss supplement is hard to ignore. But let’s pause and question: Does it truly live up to the hype? In an era where obesity is a prevalent health concern, largely fueled by poor dietary choices and unhealthy lifestyles, the search for a reliable solution intensifies.

PhenGold steps into this narrative as a potential game-changer for healthy weight loss. However, in a market flooded with options, it’s crucial to acknowledge that not every product is safe. Establishing a conducive environment and crafting a well-thought-out plan are integral components of a safe weight loss journey. PhenGold, positioned as a quality solution, holds the promise of promoting healthy weight loss.

In our comprehensive PhenGold review, we dissect the crucial factors one by one, providing you with the information needed to make an informed decision on the right product for your healthy weight loss journey. Excess weight is not merely a cosmetic concern; it profoundly impacts overall health and well-being. From joint problems to heart disease, the repercussions are far-reaching. Some individuals experience rapid weight gain due to various factors, and our exploration begins by unveiling these triggers.

Weight gain can be attributed to a multitude of factors. From poor dietary choices to an imbalance in food portions and the inclusion of excessive sugar, understanding these triggers is vital. Awareness of your food choices is the first step in building a healthy diet plan conducive to weight loss. For the complete breakdown of our PhenGold review and an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing your weight, follow the link below. Empower yourself with knowledge as you embark on a journey towards a healthier you.

Read the full PhenGold review here:–news-320587

Discover the truth about PhenGold – click here to read the full article.


New Study: Shared positive emotions linked to healthy longevity

Hold back on the bickering. Couples who share sweet moments filled with humor and affection, and sync up biologically — two hearts beating as one — enjoy better health prospects and live longer than their more quarrelsome counterparts, suggests new UC Berkeley research.

Positivity Resonance in Long-Term Married Couples:
Multimodal Characteristics and Consequences for Health and Longevity


Research Experience Opportunities

There are several options for gaining research experience in the PEP Lab!

We review applications on an as-needed basis, and welcome under-represented students to apply, including BIPOC students, first-generation students, people from working-class backgrounds, LGBTQIA students, people with disabilities, and other under-represented groups.


  • We are looking for highly motivated people to help us with a variety of research projects.
  • Tasks may include entering data, assisting during the laboratory sessions, serving as an experimenter, cleaning psychophysiological data, completing literature searches, setting up Qualtrics questionnaires, and a host of other duties.

Independent Study for Credit (PSYC 395)

  • Independent study in junior or senior year
  • Only available for Fall and Spring semesters
  • We’ll pair you with a lab member to get hands-on experiences working on a variety of our ongoing research projects
  • For PSYC 395 credit, you must have completed PSYC 101 and 2 additional PSYC courses (at least one of which is 200-level or above
  • Application and interview required

More information about PSYC 395 requirements is available online.

Honors Project

  • To complete an Honors project in the PEP Lab, you must have been working our lab (volunteer or PSYC 395) for at least one year.
  • We can only accept a maximum of 3 Honors students per year. If you are thinking about doing an Honors Project, please let your mentor know by February.

More information about Psychology & Neuroscience Honors is available online, including requirements and application.

Work Study

  • Students must be eligible for UNC or Federal Work-Study financial aid.
  • $8 to $12 per hour, depending on duties and experience

Requirements for Joining the Lab

Availability: Our primary requirement is that you are available during the times when we will be collecting data. Different research projects are collecting data at different times, but we are often running lab sessions from 8:00 am through 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Commitment: Because of the training involved, we ask you to commit to working with us for at least two semesters or 1 year, for a minimum of 10 hours per week.


Dr. Barbara Fredrickson Awarded the 2017 TANG Prize

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, a Kenan Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology, will be awarded the 2017 TANG Prize to honor her exceptional contributions to the well-being of humanity on November 12, 2017.

The TANG Foundation is a private institution established by Dr. Fay Tang in 2006. The objective of the TANG Foundation is to raise awareness of the importance of psychological health in the world. The TANG Prize Award for Achievement in Psychology honors a living internationally-recognized scholar with a Ph.D. in psychology who has made an exceptional contribution to psychological health anywhere in the world.

The $100,000 award is in recognition of Dr. Fredrickson’s achievements in psychology over her 25 year career. She has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles and her books Positivity and Love 2.0 have been translated in over 20 languages. Dr. Fredrickson’s research has received international acclaim and has been recognized by spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama. A free online course of hers, created through UNC’s partnership with Coursera, has reached lifelong learners in more than 190 countries.

Dr. Fredrickson will be presented with the TANG Prize on November 12 at the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto. Following the ceremony, Dr. Fredrickson will hold a special lecture entitled, “Positivity Resonates.”


Our Values

Coming soon!


Dr. Barbara Fredrickson explains why shared positive emotions matter for Greater Good Magazine

How Love and Connection Exist in Micro-Moments
Barbara Fredrickson explains how shared positive emotions make us happier, healthier, and more connected.



Neuriva Review: Does This Nootropic Supplement Work?

Do you want to know if the Neuriva brain supplement works? There are many Neuriva brain performance plus reviews on the internet but not all of them are real. But don’t worry! For your benefit, we are going to give an honest lowdown on Schiff Neuriva Brain Performance Plus.

So, let’s dive in.

What Are Nootropic Supplements?

Nootropics are also called smart drugs. It is a class of substances that can improve brain performance. They are at times known as memory or cognition enhancers. Prescription nootropics can have stimulant effects. They can counteract the medical condition’s symptoms, such as Alzheimer’s disease, narcolepsy, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

While nonprescription substances can improve focus or brain performances- such as creatine and caffeine are also taken to be considered to be nootropics. They don’t treat diseases but might have some effects on memory, thinking, or other mental functions.

Nootropic is a popular class of best memory supplements 2022 that was primarily by seniors who are seeking memory support. Doctors prescribe it to treat medical conditions. Generally, the drug is a kind of stimulant, such as amphetamine, which can help in treating ADHD, dementia, narcolepsy, or a similar condition.

Even though they can be effective in the treatment of medical conditions, a person shouldn’t take them without a prescription. It can improve brain function have a higher risk of impulsive behaviors, like risky sexual practices.

What Is Neuriva Brain Supplement?

If you are wondering what the best brain supplement in the market is, consider Schiff Neuriva Brain Performance Plus. It is a relatively new nootropic supplement. The supplement has become highly popular among bio-hackers, the wider health industry, and nootropics users. It is a supplement by Schiff Vitamins.

The supplement is available in the form of capsules, gummies, and also liquid shots. It claims to improve brain health or brain performance in different ways.

Does Neuriva Really Work?

Many ingredients that are present in Neuriva have been associated with brain health in some way. However, food and diet also play a significant role in this. This is one of the best brain supplements for adults that can help in improving your focus, memory, and cognitive functions.

However, the research on the ingredients is inconclusive. More research is needed to improve brain health or memory in humans.

There are all good ingredients in the supplement. So, it is going to work. Also, there is not much to worry about when it comes to Schiff Neuriva side effects as it can lead to some mild side effects.

The ingredients have been clinically studied and can improve brain performance or brain health. Neuriva claims that it can boost learning and this can be attractive to students.

What Are Neuriva Ingredients?

On the back label of the Neuriva supplement, you can find a list of ingredients. But if you are unable to make that, you can check out the more readable format.

But we proceed, we make sure that it is a product that is vegan-friendly, GMO, and free of soy and gluten.

The two main ingredients of the best brain function supplement of 2022 are Coffee Fruit Extract and Phosphatidylserine. These two ingredients alone can improve your cognitive and memory functions. Let’s check out the evidence.

Coffee Fruit Extract

Coffee Fruit is a natural compound source that can impact your Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor. BDNG is a protein that helps brain cells develop and grow. It implies that the neurons are more efficacious in terms of their functions while breaking off degeneration and helping with the new brain cell production.

But can coffee fruit extract improve brain performance? Schiff Vitamins points towards a study, showing a particular kind of coffee fruit powder, which helps in improving the BDNF levels of people.

Scientists have found that it is a treasure trove of health advantages. The coffee fruit extract is filled with antioxidants, flavonoids, and other natural elements, which provide numerous advantages.

But Schiff Vitamins just use the skin and rind in making the brain supplement, not the entire fruit concentrate. Hence, the whole coffee fruit concentrate powder on the label might be a little misleading.

But the problem with coffee fruit extract is that they have been studied scientifically. There is only a single study, which shows that French melon and coffee cherry concentrate can improve BDNF levels. It is the protein supporting the survival and growth of neurons in the brain.

It’s a good sign but more research is required to ascertain if coffee fruit can improve mental abilities.


It is a phospholipid that can be found in your body’s cell membranes, body tissues, and especially brain cells. Phosphatidylserine is a popular supplement since it has been shown to enhance brain functions in seniors. Like coffee fruit extract, it is an incredible inclusion.

Phosphatidylserine is present in the brain in higher amounts. It makes up 15% of the total brain’s fats. The ingredient is used by the brain to maintain brain cell fluidity, optimize the brain receptors, and protect neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or acetylcholine. It makes phosphatidylserine supports long-term brain health.

It can also help in recycling sick brain cells to keep them from damaging healthy brain cells. You might not notice its immediate benefits but long-term use of the supplement helps in staving off mental health decline, and symptoms, such as memory loss.

Even though it can improve brain functions, like coffee fruit extract, more research is required to ascertain if it can benefit healthy adults.

How to Use Neuriva?

According to the Schiff Vitamins Neuriva instructions, you have to take a capsule daily during bedtime. It is one of the interesting methods to take a nootropic since your brain supplement are consumed in the morning to get the brain all pumped up during the day.

If you take it at night, you can lose out on some sleep benefits. Also, it might not be able to improve brain function from it at the time of the day. Schiff Vitamins might have a more maintenance approach with the best brain health supplements.

You can take nootropics first thing in the morning with your breakfast. It gives a mental boost that is going to last for several hours. Following that you might choose to take another dose if you would like to prolong the kick of the supplement.

How Long Does It Take for Neuriva to Start Working?

If you believe the Neuriva reviews, it will start working within a few weeks after you start taking it. Nevertheless, we feel it is going to take a little longer for the ingredients to begin showing their outcome.

It isn’t a concentrated ingredient dose. Also, it doesn’t have crucial ingredients, such as Folic acid, B vitamins, and Huperzine A that are clinically tested. But it doesn’t contain some coffee cherry extract.

Irrespective of this, it is crucial to keep in mind that nootropics do not work overnight and they can’t take somewhere from 12-16 weeks to start showing their results.

Neuriva vs Prevagen: What Is The Difference?

The difference between the two supplements lies in their ingredients, price, and side effects. Irrespective of the aspects which set them apart, both supplements can work as brain boosters, which can improve focus, memory, and mental processing. It can also help in reducing brain fog.

Be that as it may, the question is which supplement holds up to the claims. Here we are going to compare the two products.

  1. Neuriva is a brain supplement that claims to strengthen the relationship between your overall brain health and brain cells. According to the manufacturer, it works to fuel the 5 crucial indicators of brain health, including accuracy, memory, focus, and concentration. Prevagen on the other hand is a dietary supplement supporting cognitive function. According to many clinical trials and research, which have been run for Prevagen in association with cognitive performance, the supplement shows a direct correlation to support brain function and improve memory.
  2. Neuriva has two main ingredients. Both ingredients serve their purpose of contributing to improving brain performance for people who take the supplement. The coffee fruit extract is an important protein, which facilitates the survival of neurons related to memory and learning. Phosphatidylserine has been through various clinical trials studies, which have shown the ingredient to help with brain memory, generation, and improving mood, and removing toxins. When it comes to Prevagen, there are two main ingredients Apoaequorin and Vitamin D. The former supports brain health and improves memory. While the other ingredient supports a range of important functions within the body.
  3. At present, there have not been any side effects that have been commonly reported by Neuriva users. But you should still consult your physician or pharmacist before consuming the brain supplement to make sure it is right for you. While the side effects of apoaequorin in Prevagen might cause, there have been some adverse reactions, which have been reported to the manufacturer. These are nausea, headaches, and dizziness along with less common side effects.

If we compare, Neuriva is much better than Prevagen. Irrespective of not being as effective as the other highest-rated brain supplement in the market, Neuriva has a better stance than Prevagen. The latter contains Apoaequorin which doesn’t work. Neuriva has been proven to offer efficacious nootropics.

So, Prevagen is a scam nootropic and manufacturers are being sued by FTC for its false advertising claims.

What Is the Difference between Neuriva Brain Performance Plus and Neuriva?

Neuriva Brain Performance Plus or Neuriva Plus is the upgraded version of Neuriva. Schiff Vitamins has attempted to make its nootropics more comprehensive.

The new product formula has been coupled with some B vitamins. So, the added ingredients will offer a few benefits beyond what you are getting from the original Neuriva. Vitamin B gives you a little pep and folate is an incredible supplement to take if you are suffering from a deficit.

Manufacturer, Support, and Certificates of Neuriva

Is the Product Certified?

Nothing has been mentioned about the Neuriva nootropic supplement.

How Much Does Neuriva Cost?

The product comes with a price tag of $32.99. It is the price of the capsule, as well as the gummies. Phosphatidylserine is expensive to purchase individually. But the Neuriva Plus brain supplement comes for $44.99.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer doesn’t offer additional discounts if you get the supplements in bulk.

Schiff Vitamins makes shipping easier. They process orders as quickly as they can. All orders are processed within 24-48 hours during business days, while the shipping times are 1-5 business days in a majority of the cases. A flat standard shipping fee of $5.99 is charged unless your order caters to the requirements for free shipping. Free standard shipping is available on all orders over $30 after pre-tax and applicable discount.

The manufacturer also offers expedited shipping at $7.99 per order. All expedited orders will be given priority handling and processing.

They also accept returns provided the products are returned in their original packaging and are in salable condition within 30 days of the date of invoice. But they will not accept a return if the item has been used unless it is defective or damaged. The manufacturer reserves the right to refuse refunds on products of personal use for a reason. All special orders are subjected to a 50% restocking fee. Cancellation fees before the shipment are subject to restocking fees for all special orders, too.


  • The two active ingredients are promising.
  • There are little or no side effects related to Neuriva use.
  • Schiff Vitamins are a well-established brand.
  • It has a lot of positive customer reviews.
  • The product isn’t a recurrent subscription.


  • The evidence that the ingredients can improve memory and brain performance is inconclusive.
  • Just contains 2 ingredients, which are not clinically proven.
  • It can be a little expensive for what it has to offer.

What Are the Additional Products You Can Use?

Apart from the Neuriva brain health supplement, you can get other supplements at Neuriva. Let’s take a look at them,

Immune Support

The supplements for immune support can help in improving your immunity. It has been crafted with a combination of minerals, vitamins, and herbs to help your immune health.

Bone and Joint Health

If you are looking to improve your joint and bone health, a Bone and Joint Health supplement can help. It is clinically proven to offer better joint comfort, which improves over time.

Noocube – A Good Alternative to Neuriva

Noocube is an effective smart drug that increases the nutrient profile for generating brain-boosting effects in the elderly, as well as the young. It is a prescription drug that can facilitate the treatment of ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorders. Noocube has some naturally-occurring amino acids, such as Tyrosine and Theanine that makes it valuable for ADHD. It works naturally to sharpen attention, memory, and learning. The supplement can improve blood supply to the brain and support neurotransmitter secretion.

Question and Answers

1.  What Are the Schiff Neuriva Side Effects?

Some of the ingredients in the supplement formula have been related to mild side effects. It includes sleepiness, nausea, sleep issues, and fatigue. Nevertheless, if they are lightly dosed with Neuriva, the side effects might not affect a majority of the people. You can assume that you aren’t going to feel any side effects when you consume Neuriva.

2.  What Is the Main Ingredient in Neuriva?

There are just two active ingredients in Neuriva. The two ingredients are phosphatidylserine and coffee cherry extract. Both are too light doses to be of great benefit. Additionally, Schiff Vitamins claim that they add a whole coffee cherry extract. But they do not use a whole source. They just use rind and skin.

3.  Is Neuriva Vegan?

Yes, it is plant-based and thus, it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

4.  Does Nootropic Help Anxiety?

Several nootropics function by aiding to protect your brain against symptoms and signs of anxiety and stress. Generally, they are a very good idea for someone struggling with anxiety disorder.

5.  Should You Take Neuriva at Bedtime?

No, we don’t recommend you to take Neuriva at bedtime as some users have complained about the stimulatory effect of its ingredients coffee fruit extract.

Neuriva Customer Reviews

Customer Review 1

The customer mentions that lack of focus and forgetfulness had become a problem but the product worked wonders.

Customer Review 2

Another customer saw the result of the product within just a few months of using it.

Customer Review 3

The customer finds the product to be a little expensive but it worked for him.

Customer Review 4

According to the customer, even after consuming the supplements for several months, they didn’t show any effect and didn’t show any improvements.


After analyzing everything about Neuriva, you might have a fair idea about what is the best brain supplement on the market. With only two ingredients in the formula, Neuriva is missing several important ingredients, which have synergistic effects on brain function. It has two active ingredients that can improve memory function if you take it consistently.