
Rescue Cleanse Review: Instructions, Where To Buy, Strategies – Full Guide

This article is about natural detoxification, and how long drug metabolites remain detectable in urine including full instructions for using the Rescue Cleanse 32oz detox drink.

This is more than a Rescue Cleanse review. This is a complete guide on how to pass a drug test using a detox drink. You’ll learn everything you need to know to make the best decisions on when you should use a detox drink, and how to prepare for your test to stand the best chance of passing it.

We will talk about natural detoxification, and how long drug metabolites remain detectable in urine. I’ll then give you full instructions for using the Rescue Cleanse 32oz detox drink.

All that, plus I’ll talk about where to buy Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse store, and finish by telling you the best place to buy Rescue Cleanse online.

When Should You Use A Detox Drink?

The best solution for unsupervised drug testing (most drug tests are unsupervised) is actually synthetic urine.

But there are a few problems with using it:

  • You may not know if it’s a supervised or unsupervised test
  • You may not want to smuggle in a fake sample
  • If it’s a retest, then it will definitely be supervised

Whatever the reason is, then a detox drink can be suitable for any sort of urine drug test.
Because you’re not smuggling anything in, it’s suitable for both unsupervised and supervised/observed drug tests.

This Is How A Detox Drink Actually Works

A good quality detox drink like Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse probably doesn’t work in the way that most people think it does.

There’s a misconception that it somehow magically pumps all the toxins out of your body in 90 minutes. Basically, that drinking it delivers permanent detoxification.

Rescue Cleanse, all detox drinks in fact, are purely a temporary masking agent. They create a temporary gap in the toxin flow from your body of just a few hours so that you can submit a sample that is free of drug metabolites.

This is how Rescue Cleanse works when you drink it:

  1. First, the flood of concentrated liquid flushes through your kidneys and into your urine. This flood of liquid pushes more toxins into your bladder. It also fills your bladder, so you urinate more and push out the toxins entering it, and those already in it.
  2. The liquid also contains diuretics and other ingredients which help to draw more toxins through the body. So it’s not just flushing you out with water, it’s also drawing out more toxins, more quickly, than you could naturally with just water.
  3. Steps one and two push out toxins faster than the body can naturally. This creates a gap in the flow of drug metabolites out of the body. But, stopping there would leave your sample appearing diluted. That’s why a good quality detox drink also floods your body with things found in the urine in the correct balance. Because so much enters the body, it’s passed through as waste into your urine, keeping it in balance.
  4. Finally, Rescue Cleanse will stain your urine the correct color as well so that it doesn’t look diluted.

As you can see, the result of all this is that you get a clean zone, a period of just a few hours clean of toxins, during which you can submit a clean sample.

But, once your body catches up, toxins will start to appear in your urine again. For heavy users or smoker, within about three hours, and for light users, in around five hours.

Why Rescue Cleanse Is The Best Detox Drink

For me, Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market for several key reasons:

  1. First, it’s from Clear Choice. Clear Choice makes Sub Solution, which is the most widely used synthetic urine brand. They also make quick luck, which is the best fake urine. It’s simply a reputable company that’s been around for 25 years.
  2. Rescue Cleanse doesn’t require the use of any additional water. You just drink the liquid in the bottle and you don’t have to refill it and drink more. The mark of a poor-quality detox drink is that it’s going to rely on flooding you out with water, by insisting you drink more water than is in the bottle in order for it to work.
  3.  Not only is Rescue Cleanse a concentrated formula that doesn’t require additional water, but it’s simply the most advanced formula on the market. It will flood your body with things found in urine, passing the excess through in the right balance into your flushed-out urine to keep it appearing completely natural.

Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink Instructions

Let’s talk you through the full Rescue Cleanse instructions you’ll need to use to pass a drug test.

  1. If you get a chance before the day of your test, do a natural detox. 24 hours, 48 hours, longer if possible. You’ll need to do the following:
    • Abstain from taking in drug toxins
    • Cut out caffeine, alcohol, and other things which slow your body down
    • Exercise and sweat every day, multiple times
    • Drink plenty of water each day
    • Only drink water and eat lean foods
    • Get plenty of rest
    • Doing this, even for 24 hours, will help your body to work at peak performance so that it pushes out more toxins. This leaves fewer toxins flowing out of your body on the day of your test for Rescue Cleanse to mask.
  2. On the day of your test, 90 minutes before your appointment time, drink the contents of the Rescue Cleanse bottle over 15 minutes.
  3. From the point you’ve finished drinking the bottle, try to urinate at least three times in the following 60 minutes. Make sure you urinate at least once right at the end of that 60 minutes to ensure that it’s fresh urine that is pushing out the last remaining toxins.
  4. You’ll then get a few hours clean to submit a clear sample in. If you’re a regular smoker or user, this could be as little as 2-3 hours, but for most people it’s between three and five hours. Get there as soon as you can, and submit that sample.

Top Tips To Improve The Chances Of Rescue Cleanse Working

As well as following the basic instructions I’ve outlined above, you can improve your chances of Rescue Cleanse working for you by ensuring that you do the following.

1. Natural Detoxification

As I outlined in the instructions above, natural detoxification is crucial. If you’ve got the time to do it before your test, make sure you do.

Unless it’s a really short-notice drug test, you should get at least a few days to notice. If it’s for pre-employment, then you know you’re going for job interviews, so you can abstain and do the natural detox.

Obviously, if you just haven’t got time, then you can’t do a detox. Rescue Cleanse will still work, but it lowers the chances of toxins staying out of your urine for more than a couple of hours.

2. Detox Pills (Toxin Rid)

My next advice is to use Toxin Rid detox pills if possible. You’ll use these during the natural detox before the day of your test. Even a 24-hour course of Toxin Rid pills, alongside the natural detoxification pointers I’ve given you above, will push out a ton of toxins.

Doing a course of Toxin Rid will simply leave far fewer toxins in your body to work their way out once you’ve flushed your system with Rescue Cleanse.

3. Monitor With Drug Test Kits

This is a crucial step many guides to using the best detox drinks for drug test success don’t mention. Buy yourself several cheap home drug test kits. Just ensure the cut-off level is good (low), so you don’t test negative at home and then test positive on your test.

On the morning of your test, complete a home drug test kit. This will tell you if you are actually going to pass or not. Then, use Rescue Cleanse over about an hour, as I’ve explained in the instructions for using it above.

After that, just before you leave, you can test if you are negative. If you’re still testing positive, then you need to see number four below.

4. Have An Alternative Strategy

If you still test positive after using Rescue Cleanse (which is possible if you have really high levels of drug metabolites in your body), then you need an alternative strategy.

These are the three options you have:

  1. Have a second bottle of Rescue Cleanse to hand. Use that for over 30 minutes, then urinate once and test yourself again. Hopefully, this will have sorted the problem.
  2. Have a box of high-quality fake urine-like sub-solution to hand. As long as it’s an unsupervised test, even if you are squeamish about smuggling a fake sample in, at that point it’s your only option.
  3. Phone the drug testing company and tell them you are sick. Reschedule for the following day. That gives you an extra 24 hours to detox and then use another detox drink. For pre-employment it could arouse suspicion, but it’s unlikely to be enough for them to withdraw any offer of employment.

These Detox Drinks Do Not Work Properly

Hopefully, you can see that Rescue Cleanse is a really good value detox drink. It works well, and even with high levels of drug metabolites in your body, it should be enough to mask them for a few hours.

Do not cut corners and grab cheap detox drinks, all buy detox drinks locally. The only detox drinks sold in these situations are poor quality ones such as:

  • Magnum
  • Stinger detox range
  • QCarbo range
  • Ultra Eliminex
  • The Stuff

There are many others, but these are the worst culprits because they are pushed heavily and marketed widely.
In the worst cases, such as Stinger detox, they are almost literally just flavored water with virtually nothing in them that could flush out drug toxins.

Best Alternative: Mega Clean

If you can’t get your hands on Rescue Cleanse, then the best alternative is Mega Clean. However, I say that with a caveat. Mega Clean on its own is the best of the bunch, but it’s not as potent as Rescue Cleanse. But, if you buy it from Test Clear, you will get a course of Toxin Rid pills bundled for free.

As long as you’ve got 24 hours before your test, do a detox and take the detox pills to push out more toxins. This will leave far fewer toxins for Mega Clean to mask on the day of your test.

Where To Buy Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse In Store & Online

The conclusion of my Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse review is that it is undoubtedly the best detox drink on the market right now, the following reasons:

  • High-potency cleansing liquid formula
  • Ingredients list, genuinely constructed to do as asked
  • Will mask toxins for up to 5 hours
  • Keep your urine appearing balance
  • Maintains a realistic look to diluted urine
  • Reasonably priced at $55

It’s the only detox drink that doesn’t require additional water and has a real potency about the ingredients (I’ve researched them and they are truly grouped to flush out toxins and keep your urine balance natural). That’s why it’s the detox drink I used to pass my last drug test.

Don’t buy the smaller 20 fluid-ounce sizes, though. Get the Rescue Cleanse 32oz detox drink. You need the volume of liquid to flush you out.

If you’re wondering where to buy Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse in-store, then stop now. It’s only available online from a single specialist retailer.

The only place to buy Rescue Cleanse is from the Test Negative web store. Anywhere else you see for sale, it’s a fake. You may see on somewhere like Amazon, but it’s not the real deal. Get it from the Clear Choice official website at Test Negative.

As I said, the best alternative is Mega Clean but only if you can get it from Test Clear, the people who make the potent Toxin Rid detox pills, as you will get a 24-hour course of pre-rid pills bundled in completely free which will leave Mega Clean far less work to do.


Unleash Your Cognitive Potential with Noocube: An In-Depth Exploration

Have you ever pondered the possibility of a pill that can genuinely elevate your brainpower? Welcome to the world of nootropic supplements—compounds designed to enhance brain function, improving memory, cognitive development, creativity, alertness, and even addressing age-related diseases. Noocube, a rapidly emerging nootropic, is making waves across global markets, promising to unlock the full potential of your brain. But does it really work? What are the benefits, and are there potential side effects? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of Noocube.

Whether you’re a dedicated student aiming for academic excellence or a hardworking professional seeking to sharpen cognitive abilities, the idea that a pill can significantly boost your brainpower is undeniably remarkable. Noocube is gaining widespread popularity, offering a potential solution to this intriguing concept.

In an age dominated by social media and remote work, the daily overstimulation faced by many has led to challenges such as brain fog, mental fatigue, and concentration issues. Cognitive development, memory loss, and various other brain functions are under constant strain. This is where the demand for nootropic supplements, like Noocube, is soaring.


Dr. Barbara Fredrickson Selected for Cattell Fellowship

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology, is a recipient of the 2016-17 James McKeen Cattell Sabbatical Fund Fellowship.

The Cattell Fellowships have provided support for the science and application of psychology for over half a century. The James McKeen Cattell Fund was established by a gift from James McKeen Cattell in 1942 to support scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge. The Cattell Fellowship supplements the regular sabbatical allowances provided by recipients’ home institutions to allow an extension of leave.

Dr. Fredrickson plans to use her Cattell sabbatical to expand her methodological toolkit to assess the non-conscious, physiological, and neural underpinnings of face-to-face emotional connections. In residence at University of California Berkeley, Dr. Fredrickson will work with Berkeley-based collaborators and archival couples’ data to measure a new construct, positivity resonance, which refers to positive emotions that are momentarily co-experienced by two or more individuals simultaneously.


Participate in our Research Studies

Social and Neural Integration (SANI) Study Now Recruiting Participants

We are looking for experienced meditators between the ages of 18 and 64 to participate in a study investigating self-cultivating warm-hearted emotion states. This study involves 7 days of brief nightly reporting, passive behavioral sampling using a GPS app, and a 3-hour in-lab session that include an fMRI scan to assess neural activity. Participants can earn up to $75.

Take our pre-screening assessment: click here!

Check out our website or email us as [email protected].

Technology and Positive Behavior Goal Study: Now Recruiting Participants

Are you interested in how AI can support wellness behaviors? Come talk to our AI avatar! We are recruiting students to join our study, which investigates how AI avatars can help people incorporate wellness behaviors into their daily life. Participating takes approximately 2 hours over 4 days, including two 30-minute visits to our lab in Davie Hall. Participants must be students between the ages of 18-35. You can earn $25 for participating.

To learn more and sign up, please visit our research study webpage or email us at [email protected].


Decoding PhenGold: An In-Depth Exploration of Its Effectiveness

In the vast sea of Phengold reviews, the allure of PhenGold as an effective weight loss supplement is hard to ignore. But let’s pause and question: Does it truly live up to the hype? In an era where obesity is a prevalent health concern, largely fueled by poor dietary choices and unhealthy lifestyles, the search for a reliable solution intensifies.

PhenGold steps into this narrative as a potential game-changer for healthy weight loss. However, in a market flooded with options, it’s crucial to acknowledge that not every product is safe. Establishing a conducive environment and crafting a well-thought-out plan are integral components of a safe weight loss journey. PhenGold, positioned as a quality solution, holds the promise of promoting healthy weight loss.

In our comprehensive PhenGold review, we dissect the crucial factors one by one, providing you with the information needed to make an informed decision on the right product for your healthy weight loss journey. Excess weight is not merely a cosmetic concern; it profoundly impacts overall health and well-being. From joint problems to heart disease, the repercussions are far-reaching. Some individuals experience rapid weight gain due to various factors, and our exploration begins by unveiling these triggers.

Weight gain can be attributed to a multitude of factors. From poor dietary choices to an imbalance in food portions and the inclusion of excessive sugar, understanding these triggers is vital. Awareness of your food choices is the first step in building a healthy diet plan conducive to weight loss. For the complete breakdown of our PhenGold review and an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing your weight, follow the link below. Empower yourself with knowledge as you embark on a journey towards a healthier you.

Read the full PhenGold review here:–news-320587

Discover the truth about PhenGold – click here to read the full article.


New Study: Shared positive emotions linked to healthy longevity

Hold back on the bickering. Couples who share sweet moments filled with humor and affection, and sync up biologically — two hearts beating as one — enjoy better health prospects and live longer than their more quarrelsome counterparts, suggests new UC Berkeley research.

Positivity Resonance in Long-Term Married Couples:
Multimodal Characteristics and Consequences for Health and Longevity


Research Experience Opportunities

There are several options for gaining research experience in the PEP Lab!

We review applications on an as-needed basis, and welcome under-represented students to apply, including BIPOC students, first-generation students, people from working-class backgrounds, LGBTQIA students, people with disabilities, and other under-represented groups.


  • We are looking for highly motivated people to help us with a variety of research projects.
  • Tasks may include entering data, assisting during the laboratory sessions, serving as an experimenter, cleaning psychophysiological data, completing literature searches, setting up Qualtrics questionnaires, and a host of other duties.

Independent Study for Credit (PSYC 395)

  • Independent study in junior or senior year
  • Only available for Fall and Spring semesters
  • We’ll pair you with a lab member to get hands-on experiences working on a variety of our ongoing research projects
  • For PSYC 395 credit, you must have completed PSYC 101 and 2 additional PSYC courses (at least one of which is 200-level or above
  • Application and interview required

More information about PSYC 395 requirements is available online.

Honors Project

  • To complete an Honors project in the PEP Lab, you must have been working our lab (volunteer or PSYC 395) for at least one year.
  • We can only accept a maximum of 3 Honors students per year. If you are thinking about doing an Honors Project, please let your mentor know by February.

More information about Psychology & Neuroscience Honors is available online, including requirements and application.

Work Study

  • Students must be eligible for UNC or Federal Work-Study financial aid.
  • $8 to $12 per hour, depending on duties and experience

Requirements for Joining the Lab

Availability: Our primary requirement is that you are available during the times when we will be collecting data. Different research projects are collecting data at different times, but we are often running lab sessions from 8:00 am through 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Commitment: Because of the training involved, we ask you to commit to working with us for at least two semesters or 1 year, for a minimum of 10 hours per week.


Dr. Barbara Fredrickson Awarded the 2017 TANG Prize

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, a Kenan Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology, will be awarded the 2017 TANG Prize to honor her exceptional contributions to the well-being of humanity on November 12, 2017.

The TANG Foundation is a private institution established by Dr. Fay Tang in 2006. The objective of the TANG Foundation is to raise awareness of the importance of psychological health in the world. The TANG Prize Award for Achievement in Psychology honors a living internationally-recognized scholar with a Ph.D. in psychology who has made an exceptional contribution to psychological health anywhere in the world.

The $100,000 award is in recognition of Dr. Fredrickson’s achievements in psychology over her 25 year career. She has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles and her books Positivity and Love 2.0 have been translated in over 20 languages. Dr. Fredrickson’s research has received international acclaim and has been recognized by spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama. A free online course of hers, created through UNC’s partnership with Coursera, has reached lifelong learners in more than 190 countries.

Dr. Fredrickson will be presented with the TANG Prize on November 12 at the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto. Following the ceremony, Dr. Fredrickson will hold a special lecture entitled, “Positivity Resonates.”


Our Values

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Dr. Barbara Fredrickson explains why shared positive emotions matter for Greater Good Magazine

How Love and Connection Exist in Micro-Moments
Barbara Fredrickson explains how shared positive emotions make us happier, healthier, and more connected.